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Listening and Speaking Modules

Practice the basis of conversation and presentation.


Listening and speaking are arguably the most common ways to interact in a language. After all, think about
how much time you spend every day speaking or listening - every conversation, lecture, YouTube video, song, etc.
is based on one or both of these skills. No one asks "do you write French?" No, we want to know if you speak 
French. So let's learn how to do exactly that!


A few reminders:
1) You may not understand everything that is said, especially on the authentic exercises. That's okay! You're not expected to. Focus on understanding what you can and finding the answers to the questions give; if you spend too much time panicking because you didn't understand that one word at the beginning, you'll miss everything that comes after it too!

2) Listen as many times as you need to. There's no shame in having to hear something more than once to understand it, especially when you're still learning the language.
3) Listen to as much French as you can, in as many ways as you can. Put on some French music while you're doing your homework. Watch some funny French cat videos on YouTube. Even if it's not the main focus of your time, it will help develop your listening skills. Don't know where to find any French to listen to? Check out the suggestions below! (You may have to look around a bit for a play or "écouter" button)

NRJ "Made in France"

A hit music station playing only French music.

France Maghreb 2

A music station aimed at the large Franco-Maghreb (French North African) community, broadcasting from numerous cities around France


Mostly talk radio with more of an emphasis on culture from Algeria.

France Info

A great talk/news radio station from Paris. Occasionally plays music between shows.

One Thing in a French Day

A nearly daily podcast published by a women living in Paris. She tells stories about her day and her life as if she were just sitting and chatting with friends. Scripts are also available to read along with each podcast.

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